Corona Crisis made a lot of changes to our lives and changes also to our priorities and things that we purchase as well.
In this article, we will share with you the three electronic products that became on high demand and even out of stock almost everywhere in Kuwait during this Corona crisis we are going through.
The first electronic product is something that we already had but wanted to get an extra accessory for it and discovered that the whole product is not available in almost all electronic stores.
We are referring to the hair trimmer kit for men! Since all salons are closed for now and men usually cut their hair once or more than once month, a hair trimmer is now a necessity at home even if you don't know how to use it well.
If you find a hair trimmer in any electronic store online in Kuwait nowadays, you are a lucky one!

The second electronic product is the FREEZER! We also ordered a freezer and didn't get it until now. It's not that we are following the trend but we actually felt that our freezer isn't enough for long time storage and we need an extra freezer during this recent crisis.
When we decided to purchase a freezer, we were shocked to discover that all freezers in almost all Kuwait electronic stores online are OUT OF STOCK!
Fortunately, we found only one upright freezer in one of the online stores and it was even the last piece by the time we ordered.
Personally, we didn't ever expect that we will buy a freezer since we don't actually need it and the one that comes along with the refrigerator is enough for us. But things change anyways.
The surprise was that many people in Kuwait also bought a freezer too recently and it became the most popular OUT OF Stock Product.

Due to quarantine and curfew, people have a lot of free time at home, so to have some fun, many purchased "Play Station" devices and all its related accessories as well.
The "Play Station" online store also has great offers nowadays whereby they have many discounts and even FREE games to try so don't miss it!

To sum up, mentioning these electronics only doesn't mean that there isn't demand on other electronic products, but we mentioned the top 3.
And note that even when life was normal last year and years before, people purchase many electronic items at this period of time before the Holy Month of Ramadan epecially all what is related to kitchen appliances, AC Units and others.
To see all the Electronic brands in Kuwait, click here.