To prepare Lebanese Fish Sayadiyeh, you need:
3 cups Basmati rice or American rice
Soak in water for 30 min
Aside, prepare your fish or fillet fish.
Dip each fillet or fish with flour & sprinkle salt & pepper. Grill or fry them. Set aside.
In a pot:
Fry 5 chopped onion with vegetable oil.
Add pieces of fish fillet for the taste.
Add spices:
1 tbs sayadiyeh spices or
1 tsp carawya or 1 tbs
1 tsp cinnamon & cumin
1 tsp black pepper
Remove half of the onion to keep for decoration. Keep aside.
Add basmati rice.
Add fish stock or fish water
Cook it on low heat for 20 min.

For gravy you need:
1 tbs flour & 1 tbs butter
Add little fried onion & sayyadiyeh spices
1 tbs gravy powder
2 cups fish water
Adjust the taste
Aside, fry almond or pines for the topping & decorate with fish fillet & chopped coriander or parsley.

Source: rolascatering