Makes 4 portions
Chocolate Mousse Ingredients:
200 g dark chocolate (70–75 % cocoa content)
60 ml freshly brewed espresso
5 eggs
1 pinch of salt
75 g sugar
pulp of 1 vanilla pod
125 ml cream
Chocolate Mousse Preparation:
Melt the chocolate in a warm bain-marie and stir in the hot espresso.
Separate the eggs, whisk the egg whites with the salt until stiff, then gradually sprinkle in 40 g sugar.
Whisk the egg yolks with the remaining sugar and vanilla pulp to form a thick, pale-coloured creamy mousse.
Stir the chocolate into the mixture, a spoonful at a time, then whisk the mousse into the egg whites.
Whisk the cream until stiff and fold into the mousse.
Divide into individual dishes and refrigerate for at least 4 hours until set.
You can add a more exotic touch to this classic dessert by adding a pinch of cayenne pepper to the melted chocolate.
Soak 1 tbsp of red peppercorns in water, roll in fine sugar and sprinkle over the mousse.

Source: Luxury Chocolate Book: The best sweet recipes for pralines, cookies, cakes and chocolate tarts