7 things you can do if you are feeling bored

7 things you can do if you are feeling bored
Boredom is not a welcomed visitor in the life of many people but we can get rid of boredom easily by doing simple things.

Killing boredom is not always by travelling or doing big activities that need big budgets.

Here are some simple and easy things you can do when you are feeling bored.

1. Listen to your favorite songs but use headphones to enjoy them more.

2. Rearrange your wardrobe or cabinet or drawer and make some changes in the way you organize your things to break the routine and let your eyes enjoy something new.

3. Plan your monthly budget and list the things you want to do and buy this month.

4. Take a look at your old photos and memories either from you photo albums or from your photos files on your computer but don’t go through unpleasant memories.

5. Prepare a small snack like an easy salad or a club sandwich and it’s preferable if you choose a meal or snack that you think preparing it is fun according to you.

6. Download a movie you watched before and you really fell in love with and watch it again but don’t choose a new movie you don’t know because it may turn out to be very boring which will make you more upset.

7. Give yourself some time and pamper yourself. Go to the salon for example and shave or get a new haircut and if you are a girl you can do pedicure and manicure and wear some makeup to feel a change in you.

7 things you can do if you are feeling bored

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