Logo of Taanayel Lebanese Labneh

 Taanayel Lebanese Labneh

Ingredients of Taanayel Lebanese Labneh
Natural and Whole pasteurized fresh cow milk, salt and Lactic Culture

Nutrition Facts for every 100 grams of Taanayel Labneh
- Energy / Calories: 145 Kcalories
- Fat: 9 grams
- Protein: 7 grams
- Carbohydrates: 9 grams
- Sodium: 220 mg
- Calcium: 80 mg

Additional Information about Taanayel Labneh
- It Should be stored between 2 and 4 Degree Celsius
- Free From preservatives
- Once opened, to be consumed within 3 days

Taanayel Lebanese Labneh

Taanayel Lebanese Labneh

Other information related to Taanayel Labneh

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