Cover Photo for Nottingham British School - Jleeb Shuyoukh - Farwaniya, Kuwait
Logo of Nottingham British School - Jleeb Shuyoukh - Farwaniya, Kuwait

 Nottingham British School - Jleeb Shuyoukh - Farwaniya, Kuwait

About Nottingham British School - Jleeb Shuyoukh

Nottingham British School was founded in 2015 to offer an outstanding curriculum and achieve excellent outcomes for children in Primary education across Kuwait. In 2016, it was incorporated and expanded to include its secondary provision and now has classes from kindergarten to year eight. With next year planning to increase this to year 11.

NBS is developing a reputation for its use of technology to enhance student learning. Innovation and Technology are at the heart of what we do. From kindergarten through to year eight, students are encouraged to be innovators and apply their knowledge to solve real-world problems.

Since its inception, NBS has been dedicated to nurturing children’s social and emotional needs, intellectual curiosity, creativity and capacity for critical thinking along with advanced academic skills.

Contact Info of Nottingham British School - Jleeb Shuyoukh

Phone Number:Phone Number+965 22060070
Phone Number:Phone Number+965 22060071
Phone Number:Phone Number+965 22060072

Address of Nottingham British School - Jleeb Shuyoukh

 Kuwait :: Farwaniya Governorate \ Jleeb Shuyoukh - Block 1, Street 100, Opposite Jleeb Park, Behind Balqees Mosque

Other information related to Nottingham British School - Jleeb Shuyoukh

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